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Reference "Starter Lists"

Following are links to reference lists that might help you get started in your own literature reviews. These lists are not comprehensive, but they do include some of the classical contributers to a given topic or theory as well as related publications that are more recent or that represent a subtopic of interest.

Keller Publications

Selected references to John Keller's publications. They provide a historical perspective from the creation of the pre-ARCS model theory that led to the ARCS model and to it's subsequent development.

Attention & Curiosity

This category of references includes arousal, curiosity, sensation seeking, and some aspects of interest.


Relevance includes numerous subtopics that help explain what is important to an individual, such as need for achievement, need for affiliation, need for power, flow, goal setting, attitudes & values, fear of failure, and interest. 


Selected references to John Keller's publications. They provide a historical perspective from the creation of the pre-ARCS model theory that led to the ARCS model and to it's subsequent development.


Selected references to John Keller's publications. They provide a historical perspective from the creation of the pre-ARCS model theory that led to the ARCS model and to it's subsequent development.

Volition & Self-Regulation

Selected references to John Keller's publications. They provide a historical perspective from the creation of the pre-ARCS model theory that led to the ARCS model and to it's subsequent development.

Motivational Design

Selected references to John Keller's publications. They provide a historical perspective from the creation of the pre-ARCS model theory that led to the ARCS model and to it's subsequent development.

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